
Before using this application for mining LevCoins you need to create a wallet. For this you must start either the GUI application or console applications for daemon and wallet.
When having wallet you can mine with cpu/gpu by using MinerGate (minergate.com)
1. Download it. Use version prior to 7.2. The download page is HERE – scroll down for versions.
2. Log or create an account. You can also log with any fake name, because you will not use the site of MinerGate to store your coins.
3. Alter loging to MinerGate application go to View and check Show other pools
4. Then a new tab OTHER POOLS must appear. Go to it and fill it:
Display name: any name, for instance “LVC
Pool URL: stratum+tcp://pool.levcoin.net:3333    (you can also use the other address of the same pool –  spock.levcoin.net)
Pool login: Here you paste the address of your wallet.
5.Then select CPU or GPU mining and start becoming rich…